Sunday, August 19, 2012

Candy Shorts.

SM City CDO's having a 3-day sale again today's the last day! After mass, my family and I rushed to the mall and did some last minute shopping. I bought two candy colored shorts; peach and blue. So happy that they fit me perfectly!

I bought these two for only p350 each at sale price!

back detail of the blue shorts

front detail of the blue shorts

cute front pockets!

front detail of peach shorts

back detail of peach shorts

chic design of front pockets suitable for phones and ipods! 

I am indeed a happy buyer! Finally, I have my own candy shorts! I've been dying to have them! What are your recent purchases? Do share!


Friday, August 17, 2012

A New Start.

From all the reading and fantasizing of blogs from inspirational icons, I've finally decided to create my own! I consider this a change in my personality since I am usually the lazy, laid-back girl who doesn't do much of writing and reading books. I am not your vocab and dictionary chick either so that means I'm not good at using flowery words.. please bare with me. :)

Basically, I will be posting about my daily life experiences including my fashion inspirations, my passion for dancing, mangas (japanese comics) & asian dramas/movies, food! and my priceless gifts: family and friends.

Regarding the origin of my blog title, It comes from a recent manga that I am loving so much! "Ao Haru Ride" means Blue Spring Ride. I chose this title 'cause it portrays the real meaning of a person's life. In my own understanding, the year starts with the season of Spring. Every year, we make new beginnings and have all our firsts. Life, as we know it, is like a roller coaster ride. It may get rough and depressing yet we still have our hopes up for tomorrow the sun will come out and everything will be ok.

My everyday life is like a Blue Spring Ride which is why I am living it to the fullest! So, there you have it! I hope you look forward to my future posts! <3 span="span">
